BALEN is none other than our rapper who started from rawbarz he is one of the OG as
well as a civil engineer graduate from IOE recently he is standing for mayor in kathmandu.
he was asked by sanjay silwal on the podcast why he was standing for the chair??
he dilligently explained " he is not for money he already has enough. he wants to
do something for the society and to do the right thing.Structural engineer by profession but social activist by heart, he has worked on post-earthquake reconstructions and damage assessment programs all over Nepal. Creating beat-busting songs like “Marpha Ko Madira” and “Local Thito” is only the musician side of him and now he has announced his candidacy for the Mayor of Kathmandu
he cannot let selfish people run the country".
"पैसाको लागी उठ्यो भनेर कसैले सोच्छ भने, ५ तलाको घर छ मेरो काठमाडौंमा सिधै भन्छु, मैले २५ वर्ष हुँदादेखि गाढी चढ्या हो आफैंले कमाएर, पैसाको लागि त हुँदै होइन। मैले गित गाउँदा पनि पैसा आँउछ, डिजाइन गर्दा पनि पैसा आँउछ, सुपरभिजन गर्दा पनि पैसा आँउछ, कन्स्ट्रक्सन लिएर गर्दा पनि पैसा आँउछ, मैले इन्ड्रोसमेन्ट गर्दापनि पैसा आँउछ। मैले कहिँनिर बोल्दिदा पनि पैसा दिन्छन आजभोली त। जे गर्दापनि पैसा आँउछ भनेपछि त्यो पैसाको लागि होइन। अनि नामको लागि त पहिल्यै म्युजिक गरिरहेकै छु, मान्छेले गित सुनिरहेका छन्। चाहिने जति सबैले चिन्नु भएकै छ, त्यो नामको लागि पनि होइन।
यो चाहिँ के को लागि हो भन्दा मलाई चाहिँ मेरो बच्चा बेलामा टिचरहरुले के भन्नु भयो भन्दा सेवा गर्नलाई, काम गर्नलाई पद चाहिदैन भनेर सिकाउनु भयो तर त्यो पदमा नालायकहरु बसेको पनि देख्न सकिदैन भन्ने कुरा चाहि सिकाउनु भएको थिएन, मलाई चाहिँ अब त्यो फिल भएको हो !ठिक छ पद चाहिदैन काम गर्नको लागि, अहिलेसम्म त काम गरिरहेकै छु तर त्यो पदमा नालायक मान्छे बसेको त म देख्न सक्दिन नि, त्यो पनि त एउटा पाप हो नि त। त्यो देखीदेखी पनि आफु चुप लागेर बस्नु त गल्ति हो नि। त्यहाँ रख्दिनु न त राम्रो मान्छे मैले यत्रो दुख किन गरिरहनु पर्थ्यो, मेरो त आरामको जिन्दगी चलिरहेको छ, आनन्दले चलाइथ्यो। मलाई त दुख गरिरहनु परेको पनि थिएन नि त, त्यहाँ राम्रो मान्छे राख्दिनु सबै काम गर्न सक्ने हामीले खोजेको जस्तो मेयर त्यहाँ हो भने त म किन जानु पर्यो त, जानै पर्दैन थियो नि।”
he even added the politics played by ambulance drivers as they ignore the patients while make commisions.
Key points by Rapper/Engineer Balen Shah regarding his mission, vision and strategy as explained On Air with Sanjay:
- One of the reasons for failed education system in our country is not being able to make others understand due to our attitude and non practical Nature.
- We need No vehicles zones and cycle lanes. Each ward needs a sports club for which funding should be done so that sport gets developed and children don't get involved in other bad habits.
- Waste management needs to start by seggregating dry and wet. More than 600 metric tons of waste is collected from Kathmandu every day which could be used to generate electricity, Fertilizer and fuels.
- While doing the reconstruction works of historical monuments in Kathmandu, proper study needs to be done so that originality and archiological value is not lost.
- If we could celebrate days like Kukur Tihar on Global level and do branding of these festival, Nepal could receive huge recognition in the world.
- Preservation of Temples, Stupas, Dhunge Dhara, Rajkulo, Ponds, and promotion of Indrajatra on every levels.
- Introduction of Call centers for proper service of Health and Infrastructure Ambulance.
- Discussion regarding Train and Metro in Kathmandu is done but we need to think of proper transportation management first.
- Development of Primary health care centers in every wards etc.