WE all know our favourite hiphop news anchor who has continiously uploaded all the major updates of the Nep-Hop he posted his first video 2 years ago explaining why rappers arent safe in nepal and has been continued since then currently he has 31.1k subscribers and has 379 videos till date on youtube. although we regularly hear him with his voice on the channel and all the hot updates we still donot know who the badal is till today he has been anonymous on the internet while providing plethera of content.we know his voice we are connected to him by social media but still he doesnt disclose his identity with RAJESH DAI meme as his cover who is baadal was the first question that came to hiphop fans when we first knew about his works. but the question is still not answered who is baadal for you?? for me he is the biggest fan and promoter of the nepali hiphop scene.do you agree?? comment down below:

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